UMCU Dag 3 – 55e verjaardag !

Op verzoek van Dolf zorg ik, Marjolein, voorlopig voor zijn blog.


Dolf is op 3 april 1959 geboren, dat betekent dat hij vandaag zijn 55e verjaardag mocht vieren!

Bijzondere dag! Bijzondere locatie!

De verpleegkundigen van de afdeling hadden er flink aandacht aan besteed: slingers opgehangen, en ze hebben de jarige Job toegezongen!
 ” En niet te vergeten”, grapte Dolf,  “ontbijt op bed 😉 “.

Ook de kamergenoten hadden voor een wenskaart gezorgd.
Het contact met deze gezellige kamergenoten was echter van korte duur: om 11.00 uur is Dolf met bed en al naar zijn 1-persoons-kamer gereden. Lekker rustig, niet al de onrust van de andere patiënten, niet de alarmen van de andere medicijnpompen. En een stuk veiliger gezien Dolf’s kwetsbaarheid. Hij is heel tevreden over het uitzicht vanuit zijn kamer.
Later op de dag zijn de kinderen, Dolf’s ouders en ik langs geweest om het feestje te vieren. Confetti opgehangen, verjaardagskaarten bekeken en opgehangen. Facebook berichtjes lezen. Zo nuchter als Dolf vandaag moest zijn, is hij nog nooit geweest op zijn verjaardag (maar dan nuchter in de betekenis van “niets eten en drinken”). Dit moest omdat er een speciale sonde moest worden ingebracht.

Dolf vond het fijn, dat er toch wel veel aandacht aan deze speciale dag is besteed!

Het medische journaal:

De koorts varieert ondanks de 4x 1.000 mg paracetamol per etmaal.
De nacht was slecht met hoge koorts.
Door de chemo dalen de bloedwaarden, het hb (de rode bloedlichaampjes)  is in 1 dag 1 punt gezakt. Vandaag was er dus weer een bloedtransfusie nodig (2 zakjes).
De bloedplaatjes dalen ook. Ook daarvoor is een bloedtransfusie gegeven. Om 1 zakje met bloedplaatjes te vullen, is het bloed van 5 donoren nodig. Een transfusie met bloedplaatjes kan hierdoor een allergische reactie veroorzaken. 
Er wordt veel vocht toegediend om zijn nieren te beschermen tegen de chemo. (Ook was Dolf licht uitgedroogd toen hij in het ziekenhuis werd opgenomen.)
Er is een morfine-pomp aangesloten voor de pijnbestrijding.
Saturatie (zuurstof) is 98%, dankzij zuurstofslangetje.

Vandaag moest Dolf nuchter blijven, geen lekkere taart en hapjes dus.
Vanmiddag is er een speciale sonde ingebracht (door de neus, via de slokdarm en maag naar de dunne darm). Dit is met een roesje gedaan. Via deze sonde wordt proteine-rijke voeding toegediend. Door de chemo heeft Dolf beschadigd mondslijmvlies, wat eten bemoeilijkt. Hierdoor is hij ook (te) veel afgevallen. De bedoeling is dat hij uiteindelijk 2 liter (meer dan 2500 calorieën) sondevoeding per dag toegediend krijgt.

Vanavond was Dolf bekaf, er gebeurt ook heel veel op zo’n dag in het ziekenhuis.
 Maar ondanks alles, was het toch een “klein feestje”.

157 gedachten over “UMCU Dag 3 – 55e verjaardag !

  1. in relation to close/open communion [from the blog post, not white paper] that would fit with a WEBSTER’S dictionary definition [that we all could agree on] of prescription instead of you making statements [without any reason given] like this:“I believe…can be considered a prescriptive statement”“I believe he has prescribed a future movement.”?

  2. Showed my husband the recipe last night……actually first saw the photo and got quite excited. Even though almond flour is pricey I’ll definitely have to make these once in a while for him.I think this recipe would be great switching the seasonings around…for different flavors. Like cinnamon / nutmeg, summer savory / majoram, and so many other combos. I see s’more’s in my hubby’s future!!

  3. 5000 euros??Les mineurs isolés étrangers que j’accompagne n’ont pas droit à tant d’égard mon bon monsieur! 70 euros par jour, rien de plus!Même les budgets alimentaires sont hyper restreints! Le froid arrive, mais c’est la galère pour trouver des fonds pour leur acheter un manteau!

  4. Joder, estoy contra un boss que es una armadura diabólica morada gigante con espada y escudo y ni puta de lo que hay que hacer. xDDDDDD Además no puedo salir.Pero vaya, el juego es hamor. <3 Y el sistema de vida también es original, me gusta.

  5. My favorite childhood memories are all the times we spent dancing and singing while my little brother and I were growing up! We would listen to music for HOURS! Loved that!

  6. Comments from Facebook: – Robin H. ~ This is one of the BEST newborn pictures i have ever seen…and believe me, I’ve seen alot!Lorraine C. ~ I love the pictures of “C”. Such great poses. Her skin color is as pink as her adorable hat. Can’t get any better than this!

  7. I tried the japanese version of the ds tengoku, as I was thinking it would be similar to Ouendan in terms of understanding what to do. It turned out I really needed english instructions to get all the mini games. It's a shame though, I suppose yeah!


  9. now only at $203.92 Ohh waoo i clicked them as it thoght they are diamonds but they are not…. guyz why to pay $1000 or $2000 for such earrings when these earrings can serve the purpose.. they are cheap and fine quality hoop earrings to use in daily routine.

  10. Inte har man ansträngt hjärnan allt för mycket om man som KHK-supporter kallar de lag som är dubbelt så bra(om man räknar inspelade poäng)som KHK för soplag! Om TAIF och Aspöven är soplag, vad är då i så fall KHK?

  11. itu yang terbaik hapus je cukai perhikmatan, secara taklangsung semua cukai perhikmatan makan segera seperti KFC pun turut sama akan terhapus…. Ps : tapi jangan pula subsidi lain ditarik balik untuk cover haasil dari cukai yang dah tiada tu dnoBiz recently posted..

  12. I’ve often wondered if travel and hotel rewards would be worth a lot more than the usual cash equivalent I always seem to take. I know gift cards are usually given out at a discount, so why not travel points as well. I’ve been to a timeshare presentation for Starwood before. They have some NICE places to stay!My Money Design recently posted..

  13. Jeg er enig i at 22 deltakere er veldig lite, men husk også at statistiske tester justeres for antallet deltakere. Om de har funnet statistisk signifikans til p>0,05, så er det 95% sjanse for at forskjellen på gruppene ikke er tilfeldig (slik som det alltid er i seriøs forskning)Nå har ikke jeg lest den nevnte studien, så det kan godt hende den har flere svakheter. Men som en pilotstudie synes jeg den høres interessant ut!

  14. "looking at the various environmental sites, we couldn’t figure out where the beef was"God forbid you actually bother to look at their ASLB filing, which lays out all the contentions in detail. You might get antinuke cooties.

  15. Thanks Jodi. I really struggled with writing this post. As you can tell by me posting it at 8pm instead of AM. You might be right though. And I do take time to notice the small things, but being in the moment is NOT my forte (like you… I wonder where we got that from?). You and I should make a pact to be in the moment as much as we can in 2011.

  16. Hello! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I truly enjoy reading through your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same topics? Thanks a lot!

  17. Estimado lector mexicano,Me imagino q en un futuro próximo el Club tendrá delegaciones en varios países pero de momento el club celebrará sus reuniones en las principales ciudades españolas.No obstante, le animo a que mande su inscripcion para que desde ya esté informado de todas las actividades del mismo y quien sabe si en un futuro canalizar las actividades del mismo a través suyo.Un abrazoEA

  18. I had heard somewhere that Bosnyák ter was going to be redeveloped into some sort of "new city centre".I lived for a few months near the back of the market on Komocsy ut and I was always amazed at how early on market day the nenis and bacsis arrived. I suppose all the good stuff goes early. :)BTW I loved your Bosnian grilled meat posts.

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  23. Oh, Mary, while the Korean Barbecue Chicken sounds wonderful, it is those precious grandsons that just steal my heart away! Oh, they are so precious! You cannot help but smile and feel happy to see those sweet faces! Thank you for the smile as well as the recipe. blessings ~ tanna

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  26. I do like quilts, but could you print less quilting projects in the magazine. If I simply wanted quilting, I would subscribe to one of the many quilting magazines. How about more “weekend projects”? Meaning shorter project time. Mix it up. Things for the home, simple baby projects, curtains, gifts, etc. Just some food for thought.

  27. Oh nooooo, ya gotta finish!!!!! That was good, really hitting into it, then…… Bam, it stops! :’( I wanna cry! I want more. Pleeeaaaassssse?!! Boo Hoo Hoo… Thanks for posting Sock monkey!I wonder if I go peek in the windows, give’m the poor puppy dog eyes, pouty mouth and beg…….think they’ll post the rest? Hey, it’s worth a shot! Okay, I’ll be back after I try!! Wish me luck!Well-loved.

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  30. Let the church say AMEN! I just hope the cable news hacks start focusing on other topics,say,like the natural disasters in China,Myanmar and the American south.No one needs to hear MORE of the ridiculous idea of an Obama-Clinton ticket,the hopelessness of “the math” in getting Clinton the nomination,or about Obama’s alleged “problem” with working class white voters.It’s time to focus on beating John McCain,and taking our country back!!!

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  35. *B comme bon : merci !!!!!*Menus propos : merci pour tes félicitations. La recette du dessert est sur le site de M6 mais je la reproduirai à la belle saison pour le blog et aussi pour le plaisir de refaire partager ce dessert assez extraordinaire. *Philo : merci pour les félicitations et si en plus ta maman m’a vu à la TV…*Lilibox : oui c’est moi ! Merci beaucoup pour ton « bravo ». *Lolotte : merci Lolotte, tu peux quand même me voir sur le site de M6, il y a des vidéos du dîner. *Tiuscha : je rougis derrière mon écran. Merci ! et vraiment cette recette est une vraie réussite.

  36. Он прав. Пресса должна сама уметь защищаться. Сильная, свободная пресса всегда показатель здоровой демократии в стране. Я вот сейчас нашёл конституцию РФ, где свобода прессы заложена в 29. статье. А именно в её 4. и 5. пунктах:4. Каждый имеет право свободно искать, получать, передавать, производить и распространять информацию любым законным способом. […]5. Гарантируется свобода массовой информации. Цензура запрещается.

  37. Mais uma formidável edição do “Credencial”.Desta vez, fiquei satisfeito também pela polêmica que eu crei, devido ao comentário mais passional sobre o Barrichello. Eu o fiz na intenção de saber quantos ainda aceitam suas justificativas e percebi que ele está cada vez mais sem adeptos.Torço muito por seu sucesso, mas desse jeito é complicado.Ico, espero ansiosamente para saber sua análise sobre o tema.Abraço!

  38. In poor, or faulty, posture (aka postural dysfunction), there is an imperfect relationship among various skeletal structures of the body, and this may produce strain on the body’s supporting framework (Britnell et al. 2005). With faulty posture, the body is balanced less efficiently over its base of support. Therefore, any restriction, imbalance or misalignment of the musculoskeletal structures will have an adverse effect on the efficiency of movement.

  39. Screw you Tim. If you want to work, then work! Why the hell do you care if Obama pays for me anyway? If you want him to pay for you, then don't work! I don't understand why ANYONE would want to work if Obama is going to pay your rent and car and food. I worked for 3 months last summer to help him win the election so that I wouldn't have to work now! Bush spent so much money to get his friends oil in Iraq and now it's my turn!!!

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  41. Rummy is doing a fine job teaching an old dog new tricks. Are liberals not happy about the reassertion of civilian control?I don’t believe he’s motivated by money. It must suck the life out of him to face the dilemmas and critics of the country’s defense all day long. He’s driven by purer motives.Likewise Bush and the key members of any administration that take their duties seriously.

  42. Happy Birthday Blog!I think I started following this blog right when you stopped writing for CoEd Ugly, and I've definitely gotten alot of inspiration. I don't think I've ever commented before, but I enjoy how simple your style is and since we have (had!) almost the same hair/cut, I like to see how you style it.I absolutely love the first 2 pictures from the lookbook. Normally I would pass that first dress on a rack without looking twice, but from your picture I think it looks great!I wish you another year of good luck,

  43. It looks fantastic! Thank you for giving me the inspiration to do something about the rusted, glass-topped coffee table from our old patio set. I didn't want to get rid of it, because it's very handy, but it looks so icky. I'm going to follow your steps for cleaning and prepping it, then will break out the Krylon!

  44. Mr Vidberg, si c’est vous qui êtes dessiné, je pense que vous avez été quelque peu optimiste sur le ratio nombre de cases cochées/nombre de cases restantes, en considérant que chaque ligne a autant de cases. Evidemment, si vous avez fait ceci sur le mur de votre maison à toit très pentu comme souvent dans le Jura, c’est peut-être plus réaliste Bon courage à vous aussi.

  45. Gorgeous card Vicky. The image is cute & coloured perfectly xI do love the old fashioned look.Great papers, I have purchased several sets BUT have not used any yet !!! Lolhugs sally

  46. […] mir aus der Seele sprach. Ich emp­fehle in die­sem Zusam­men­hang die Bei­träge Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) erhöht den Sup­port­auf­wand für Mobile Device Manage­ment (MDM) und Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Ein Admi­nis­tra­tor klagt sein Leid — trotz MDM. Es hat […]

  47. miss izz, i think i lol-ed so much, my parents are wondering if i've gone crazy. how did you even MAKE a bust cast? like stick the gooey stuff onto your boobs and wait half an hour for it to dry? crazy (:aaaah procrastinating. haha. i'm doing it right now when i should be focused on chem hw. stupid chem.

  48. me llega el openinig y el ending…sale ichigo con el pelo largo…me gusta con pelo negro, mas fuerte se ve y mas guapo y el opening no mucho lo entiendo pero se ve q todos estan peleando unos contra otros…y si va ser largo el relleno porq el manga esta cerca de los capitulos despues de derrotar a aizen solo unos cuantos capitulos del manga los separa por eso me imagino q sera largo pero sera interesante los capitulos de relleno

  49. Jum, tiene las narices de llamarme “bujarra” en mi propio blog, y luego pedirme que le traiga algo del país del sol naciente… ¡jum! ¬¬”En fin, porque me regalaste un , que si no, ¡ni agua! Usted me dirá -vía correo electrónico- de qué se trata

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  51. nvorompiova / Milana, I am beyond thrilled that the article spoke to you. I’m also happy to hear that the exercise made a difference. You are right, often times we take what (and how much!) we do for granted. Stepping back and looking at the bigger picture gives you a different perspective.

  52. I lived in Bennett Hall in the 70′s and my roommates parents would come up before football games and we would do the picnic thing outside the basefield fence by Duck you did. I watched baseball games from my room which faced the ball field.I fell in love with OSU one early summer morning when I was standing on the second floor balcony area on the west side of the Union outside looking at the garden area and Theta pond. I decided I had to be there and was for the next 5 years. Fantastic years!

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